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The Best Songs About Whiskey

From Jim Morrison to Axl Rose, a fifth of whiskey has long been an iconic part of the debauched rockstar image. It has also served as the inspiration for the music on this list of songs about whiskey. Rock ‘n roll is littered with tracks about the potent beverage, a drink that could not only temporarily tame the beast of Ernest Hemingway’s alcoholism, but served as the inspiration for a lot of fine whiskey songs as well. If some of these songs about whiskey are some of the most well-known in rock music, it’s because the people who make rock music have had a tendency to look for a buzz by gulping down a fifth of something. Listen to these songs straight, no chaser, but please, always listen responsibly. This list includes all different genres, with many of these being country songs about whiskey.

“Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)” by the Doors is actually an old English and German song that they arranged. It became one of the Doors defining musical moments, as it’s not hard not to picture frontman Jim Morrison as perpetually intoxicated.

Speaking of Alabama, Lynyrd Skynyrd was a hard-drinking group from that state who penned their own ode to both their drink of choice and their profession: “Whiskey Rock-A-Roller.”

“White Lighting,” written by the Big Bopper in the ‘50s, was recorded by country artist George Jones, who had his first No. 1 hit record of his career. The song was later covered by artists including Hank Williams, Jr. and British group the Fall.

What songs give you a buzz? Vote for your favorites! If any tunes you have a taste for were left off the list, please add them.

The Best Songs About Whiskey

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